Thymeline 17 | Feast In Thyme

Thymeline 17

The start of canning and preserving busy season, mini pies, trip planning, and a celebration of National Mint Julep Day in this edition of Thymeline.


I hope everyone had a nice Memorial Day Weekend!

We were away ourselves, and then attended a surprise party for a friend on Monday. I somehow thought I’d manage to get this post up yesterday, but (as I often do) I underestimated my available free time. Hopefully you were all too busy with family and friends anyway to miss me!

Thymeline 17 | Feast In Thyme

In terms of news, I canned my first item of the summer – a super simple small batch of cold-packed Garlic Dill Pickles for the Food In Jars May Mastery Challenge. I made a slight variation on this pickle recipe. This week I’m hoping to pick up a big batch of berries and make some kind of jam. My stockpiles of preserves are running low and need refreshing.

Thymeline 17 | Feast In Thyme

I did a trial run of these mini pies for this weekend’s adventures (Mixed Mushroom, Pea & Gruyere and Honey Chicken versions), and they were pretty fantastic. I’ll get recipes for these up on the blog sometime soon.

Thymeline 17 | Feast In Thyme

I’m also doing restaurant research for two trips I’m taking in July – one to Salt Lake City to attend a fencing tournament Sam is participating in, and another to Boston right after with friends. I’m of course obsessing over my food options.

Now, onto the links you’ve been waiting for:


Thymeline 17 | Feast In Thyme